Category: Package Management

Approaching GPG Key Signing Issues in Arch Linux and Derivatives Especially Without IPv6
article #1348, updated 1923 days ago

Code needs to be signed when possible, for safety these days. In Linux, this is done by a very carefully set up public keyserver system. If, in Arch or Manjaro or other Arch derivatives, you see issues happening, try these steps:

  1. In /etc/pacman.d/gnupg/gpg.conf, add this line:
keyserver hkp://

If you don’t do IPv6 on the Internet, the above is essential as is. The default appears to now require IPv6.

Once you have the above set, run the following:

  1. sudo touch /root/.gnupg/dirmngr_ldapservers.conf
  2. sudo pacman-key --init
  3. sudo pacman-key --populate archlinux manjaro
  4. sudo pacman-key --refresh-keys



Lightweight, clean, simple Windows package manager and application installer
article #1337, updated 1991 days ago


Its silent install actually works well for Adobe Reader:

appget update adobe-reader --silent



Replacement for 'yaourt' in Arch and derivatives
article #1281, updated 2187 days ago

The long default, yaourt, is no longer very available, and is not listed at all in the Arch software list of similar apps. yay appears very worthwhile.



Cross-Linux Package Management: Snapcraft
article #1184, updated 2517 days ago

Lots and lots of interesting apps can be installed easily, and across distros, with Snapcraft:
