Category: Adobe Issues

Adobe Acrobat freezes, hangs, crashes
article #1575, updated 387 days ago

Ran into this recently. First one then four more users at a site, encountered it. This page:

has a fix with registry entries for version 2015. The fix reportedly works all the way up to the current (DC). Here’s Powershell to get the fix in; reportedly restart and/or reboot is required:

$RegistryPath = "HKLM:\SOFTWARE\Policies\Adobe\Adobe Acrobat\DC\FeatureLockDown"
If (-Not (Test-Path -Path $RegistryPath)) { 
    "Adobe Acrobat DC is not installed; fix not appropriate or needs modification."
cd $RegistryPath
If (-Not (Test-Path -Path "cServices")) { 
    mkdir cServices 
cd cServices
New-ItemProperty -Path . -Name bToggleAdobeDocumentServices -Value 1 -PropertyType "DWord"
New-ItemProperty -Path . -Name bToggleAdobeSign -Value 1 -PropertyType "DWord"
New-ItemProperty -Path . -Name bToggleAdobePrefSync -Value 1 -PropertyType "DWord"
New-ItemProperty -Path . -Name bUpdater -Value 0 -PropertyType "DWord"



Script for Flash Player on Linux, Especially 32-bit
article #1002, updated 2997 days ago

Adobe is supporting Flash less and less on Linux. Google Chrome was the way to do it for a while, but then Google abandoned 32-bit platforms, and there are a lot of 32-bit users who want full Flash web-site compatibility. There still is 32-bit Flash code out there, but making it work can still be very confusing on many Linux platforms. Happily, as is the wonderful modus operandi in the Linux world, an enquiring mind figured it out, and gave us a way. It’s here:

A quick way to apply it, is to run these commands in order:

cd ~
chmod +x

Flash does not show up as an Extension, but it appears to work very well, you can verify it on Adobe’s check page.



Adobe Acrobat X Pro won't start
article #898, updated 3330 days ago

The following very quick fix:

often will save the bacon.



If Adobe Pro X won't load
article #665, updated 3979 days ago

If Adobe Pro X won’t load, if it is installed as part of CS6, there is a good procedure to get it unstuck:
