Category: Video

Best video capture for Linux at this writing
article #1374, updated 1600 days ago

By far, ‘guvcview’, “GTK+ UVC Viewer”:

Chooses from any of the audio devices on the machine, of any sort, including JACK audio sources; chooses from any video capture device; and combines the result. Simple to use and extremely effective. Only one I found to do all of this reliably, out of many.



Convert Audio to Video with Image via Command Line
article #1367, updated 1633 days ago

Very simple via ‘ffmpeg’, there are versions for all major platforms:

ffmpeg -i audio.mp3 -i picture.jpg out.avi

The above will produce an .AVI, and if you change out ‘avi’ for ‘mp4’, ‘mov’, et cetera, ffmpeg will follow your lead and build the indicated format. However, if you want to make a file which Facebook and Youtube will accept, you’ll have to get a lot fancier:

ffmpeg -loop 1 -framerate 2 -i input_picture.jpg -i input_audio.mp3 -c:v libx264 -preset medium -tune stillimage -crf 18 -c:a copy -shortest -pix_fmt yuv420p output_video.mkv



Video player
article #1312, updated 1893 days ago

Try SMPlayer:

For a silent install in Windows, use /S for the EXE installer.



Headless Running X in Manjaro Linux
article #678, updated 1997 days ago

  1. Install normally, using monitor and keyboard. Get the install solid with updates and testing.
  2. Switch to a virtual console with Ctrl-Alt-F2 and log in.
  3. Run this to turn off X: sudo systemctl isolate multi-user
  4. Run this: X -configure
  5. A file is created, /root/
  6. chdir to /etc/X11/xorg.conf.d
  7. Move /root/ to this new name at your current location: ./10-monitor.conf
  8. Reboot and test. If you change video cards, you may well have to do it again, and you’ll probably need to boot from install media in order to remove the file.



Easily Remove All Video Drivers with DDU Uninstaller
article #1181, updated 2339 days ago

This works very well:



Open Broadcaster Software
article #1059, updated 2654 days ago

“Free and open source software for video recording and live streaming. Download and start streaming quickly and easily on Windows, Mac or Linux.”



Video oddities in Windows 8.1
article #960, updated 3025 days ago

This is Windows 8.1 only, not 7, not 10. It is not known whether 8.0 is affected.

The current known operative case is Citrix-hosted applications, in a dual-monitor situation. If you see a malfunction, go to Control Panel, All Control Panel Items, Display. If “Let me choose one scaling level for all my displays” is unchecked, check it. It will require logoff/logon. And the problem will be fixed.



DVD authoring and video conversion, cross-platform
article #863, updated 3273 days ago

This one’s great, Windows and Linux and Mac and BSD!



Create Video Slideshows
article #862, updated 3273 days ago

This tool:

appears very good.



A good simple DVD authoring/creation tool, cross-platform
article #774, updated 3535 days ago

Here’s a great one:
