Just make sure that no processes are using the file, make a backup of it for safekeeping, and then:
sqlite3 *.db "VACUUM;"
Compare sizes and you’ll see how much you have done!
Very useful to optimize database tables in MyBB with SQLite, among many other purposes :-)
For detecting devices on your LAN:
New and Interesting Apps
Try DavMail:
It runs in the background on server, desktop, or laptop (Windows, Linux, or Mac), and it translates native Exchange protocols into that which Thunderbird and appropriate add-ins handle very well. In other words, it acts as a live bridge between Exchange protocols and Thunderbird with Lightning, for contacts and calendar. The instructions are thorough and functional.
Exchange and Exchange Online
This is an error common on SBS 2011. A simple fix which sometimes works, on the bottom of this page:
The summary:
DEL C:\Windows\Logs\WindowsServerBackup\WBC*
Windows OS-Level Issues
You may see error “-6175, 0”; connectivity or security errors may pop up; but definitively you will notice that the “Quickbooks database service” will not start.
The solution given by a QuickBooks tech just now, is to change the user under which the database service runs, from the special QuickBooksDBxx service user, to the Local System. I asked if there was any reason not to do this under any circumstances, and he said there is not. This seems to make QuickBooks as a whole run better. It is needful to give “SYSTEM” full rights to any folder containing QuickBooks files.
QuickBooks & Other Intuit
New and Interesting Apps
Here are FQDN bypasses for Skype for Business. Needed ports are TCP 443, UDP 3478, TCP/UDP 50,000-59,999, TCP 5223, and TCP 80.
The above is condensed from here.
If your firewall lets you bypass data checks by FQDN, this works well; just import this into an alias and use that as the “To” for a rule called ExchangeOnline, for ports 80 and 443:
The above is condensed from here. It includes only Exchange Online, there are some other items to be added for other Office 365 services including Skype etcetera.
Exchange and Exchange Online
Microsoft 365
Grub Customizer is a great GUI configurator for GRUB, currently the most common boot loader for ix86 and AMD64 hardware. The Customizer has issues compiling on some setups, especially later versions of gcc. Here’s what I found to do:
- Download grub-customizer-4.0.6.tar.gz, unpack.
ccmake .
- Resolve any missing libraries et cetera.
ccmake .
again until nothing missing.
- Look for these files:
- Add
as first item to CXX_FLAGS
in both files.
cmake .
- Again resolve any missing libraries et cetera.
cmake .
again until nothing missing.
sudo make install
Linux OS-level Issues
Debian Testing is an excellent Linux distro, very up-to-date, and has more packages and supports more architectures than any other. Here are suggestions for desktop setup:
- Pale Moon. This is a repackaging of Firefox which is faster and a bit leaner, still very compatible with everything Firefoxy.
sudo sh -c 'echo "deb http://ppa.launchpad.net/webupd8team/java/ubuntu trusty main" >> /etc/apt/sources.list'
sudo sh -c 'echo "deb-src http://ppa.launchpad.net/webupd8team/java/ubuntu trusty main" >> /etc/apt/sources.list'
sudo apt-key adv --keyserver keyserver.ubuntu.com --recv-keys EEA14886
sudo apt-get update
sudo apt-get install oracle-java8-installer
- Compile a new kernel optimized for your hardware, for a jolt of speed:
- Recompile glibc optimized for your hardware, for a big jolt of speed: