Category: DNS

Add IPv6 Reverse DNS to Server 2008
article #193, updated 4993 days ago

In Server 2008, the default protocol is IPv6.  It is not recommended to disable it in any way.

Default DNS, internal and LAN-wide, is therefore also IPv6.  All you really need is an AAAA record for the forward lookup.  But in many cases reverse lookup will have been skipped at server setup, and in such a case, it can get confusing to try to set up reverse DNS.  Reverse DNS is definitely recommended, it will smoothen out the LAN in general.

It has been very difficult to find any instructions to set up reverse IPv6 DNS on Server 2008.  Howsomever, here is one.



DNS nslookup debugging
article #103, updated 5291 days ago

This one comes from the excellent David Childers.

When you start up nslookup in a command prompt, there’s a way to get some very good additional information.

C:\Documents and Settings\davidc>nslookup -d2
SendRequest(), len 41
opcode = QUERY, id = 1, rcode = NOERROR
header flags:  query, want recursion
questions = 1,  answers = 0,  authority records = 0,  additional = 0

QUESTIONS:, type = PTR, class = IN

Got answer (78 bytes):
opcode = QUERY, id = 1, rcode = NOERROR
header flags:  response, auth. answer, want recursion, recursion avail.
questions = 1,  answers = 1,  authority records = 0,  additional = 0

QUESTIONS:, type = PTR, class = IN
type = PTR, class = IN, dlen = 25
name = ***-***.********.local
ttl = 1200 (20 mins)

Default Server:  ***-***.********.local


As you can see, by using the command nslookup -d2, the entirety of the conversation that nslookup is having with the DNS server is displayed.

If you believe that nslookup has locked up or died, you will be able to see the timeouts occurring as it waits for response from the DNS server.

I hope that helps!




Ownership of Internet IP addresses
article #96, updated 5385 days ago

To find out ownership of Internet IP addresses, try this:



Blackberry Controller won't run
article #94, updated 5419 days ago

If the Blackberry Controller service won’t run, try restarting the DNS server, and then try to start the Blackberry Controller. If that works, you are seeing a TCP/UDP port conflict between Microsoft DNS and the Blackberry server. You need to reserve these ports:


using this registry edit:
