Category: Upgrade Procedures

Update Roboform
article #1612, updated 3 days ago

The following updates Roboform v9. Whenever v10 comes out, this will need to be changed to fit. winget does not appear able to do this job, at least when Roboform is installed via exe.

cd $env:TEMP
taskkill /f /im robotaskbaricon.exe
curl.exe -O
.\roboform-v9-setup.exe /silent /unatt /close



Transfer Profiles from XP to Windows 7 - Windows Easy Transfer
article #147, updated 4722 days ago

This works quite well from XP to 7.  Does not transfer applications.



Quick Time Zone Updates
article #221, updated 5264 days ago

Here is a set of quick updates for time zones for recent version of Windows:

They apparently were scheduled for February of 2010, but some machines still don’t have them.
