You’ve installed it and removed it, and need to reinstall, the reinstall fails. Here are items:
- If there are files named RAVDG.TMP and/or RAVPA.TMP in
, the uninstall is still running. Reboot and check again.
- Make sure folder
Panda Security
does not exist under %ProgramData%
or %ProgramFiles(x86)%
- Delete everything in
- Reinstall.
Antivirus/Antimalware Tools and Issues
A new needs page has been put up. Major changes. If you have a strict firewall, try opening all of these up. IPv6 is listed within the required sections, not clear how much that is true.
Microsoft 365
Microsoft 365
Run this:
Then go to the Advanced tab, and click the Settings button in the middle under User Profiles.
This works great under 10 also, but is a lot more hidden in 11.
Windows OS-Level Issues
WIM utilities
article #1548, updated 464 days ago
Amazing piece of work. wimverify may be immediately useful if you are using WIMs.
First we connect to Exchange Online via Powershell. First we install or update the MSOnline module.
Set-Executionpolicy RemoteSigned -Scope Process
Install-Module -Name ExchangeOnlineManagement
Import-Module ExchangeOnlineManagement
Set-Executionpolicy RemoteSigned -Scope Process
Update-Module -Name ExchangeOnlineManagement
Import-Module ExchangeOnlineManagement
Then we connect:
Now get a list of deleted users:
Get-MsolUser -ReturnDeletedUsers
And here’s how we permanently purge all of them. Do this ONLY if you are certain. There is no going back after this.
Get-MsolUser -ReturnDeletedUsers | Remove-MsolUser -RemoveFromRecycleBin -Force
Microsoft 365
Exchange and Exchange Online
There are different methods for 365/Azure. But to get directly to Exchange Online from Powershell running on Windows, a current update of longstanding methods is as follows.
To install the module:
Set-Executionpolicy RemoteSigned -Scope Process
Install-Module -Name ExchangeOnlineManagement
Import-Module ExchangeOnlineManagement
To update the module:
Set-Executionpolicy RemoteSigned -Scope Process
Update-Module -Name ExchangeOnlineManagement
Import-Module ExchangeOnlineManagement
To connect:
Connect-ExchangeOnline -UserPrincipalName
Current reference, including methods for MacOS and Linux as well:
Exchange and Exchange Online
Microsoft 365
This one is a good basic, it prevents unwanted sleep and sets other helpful parameters. Not a performance setting, not a power-paranoia setting either! It does alter the current power scheme.
# General
powercfg /change monitor-timeout-ac 0
powercfg /change monitor-timeout-dc 15
powercfg /change standby-timeout-ac 0
powercfg /change standby-timeout-dc 120
powercfg /change hibernate-timeout-ac 0
powercfg /change hibernate-timeout-dc 180
powercfg /change disk-timeout-ac 0
powercfg /change disk-timeout-dc 60
# Exposes and zeroes hidden "System unattended sleep timeout"
# which can cause problems
powercfg -attributes SUB_SLEEP 7bc4a2f9-d8fc-4469-b07b-33eb785aaca0 -ATTRIB_HIDE
powercfg -setacvalueindex scheme_current sub_sleep 7bc4a2f9-d8fc-4469-b07b-33eb785aaca0 0
# Disable hybrid sleep both AC powered and DC
powercfg -setacvalueindex scheme_current sub_sleep 94ac6d29-73ce-41a6-809f-6363ba21b47e 0
powercfg -setdcvalueindex scheme_current sub_sleep 94ac6d29-73ce-41a6-809f-6363ba21b47e 0
# Reapply current power scheme
powercfg -setactive scheme_current
Power & Management
Web Methods