This works, to back up C drive to \\DEST_SERVER\E$\SHARE, if disk2vhd.exe is within the path:
REM REM A simple backup system using disk2vhd REM REM version 1.3, by J.E.B., 2011-02-22 REM REM requires 'disk2vhd.exe' to be in the path REM setLocal EnableDelayedExpansion REM "DRIVES" can be one drive identifier with colon, multiple separated by spaces, REM or asterisk for all. REM "DEST" can be a drive letter or a UNC. SET DRIVES="*" SET DEST="\\SERVER\SHARE" REM Keep most recent 4 VHD files in DEST, delete the rest for /f "skip=4 tokens=* delims= " %%a in ('dir/b/o-d %DEST%\*.VHD') do ( del %DEST%\%%a ) REM Backup to VHD C: cd \ DISK2VHD %DRIVES% %DEST%\D2VBK--%date:~-10,2%%date:~-7,2%%date:~-4,4%_TS.VHD