Appx Cleanup for Windows 10/11 Performance

article #1561, updated 271 days ago

Appx’s are a method used for application install, first delivered in Windows 8.1. There are a lot of builtins which take live system resources in hidden fashion, usually not showing up in Task Manager very much or at all. And there have been a lot of changes in this over recent years. Here’s an overview of items for cleanup as of this writing. One can free a lot of resources on machines this way.

The first thing to know is that many appx’s are “provisioned”, they are embedded in the current (“online”) DISM image, and will be automatically activated whenever a new user profile is made. To get a list of these:

Get-AppxProvisionedPackage -Online | Sort-Object | ft DisplayName, PackageName

To get a list of all apps installed for all users, in nicely sorted form:

Get-AppxPackage -AllUsers | Sort-Object | ft

To remove several of these, that I like to have gone in business desktops, both from provisioning and from any user for which any of them may be installed:

#Begin Script

$RemovalItems =  @(

$ProvisionedItems = Get-AppxProvisionedPackage -Online
foreach ($ProvItem in $ProvisionedItems) {
	foreach ($RemItem in $RemovalItems) {
		If ($ProvItem.DisplayName -like "*$RemItem*") {
			Write-Host "Deprovisioning:" $ProvItem.DisplayName
			try {
				Remove-AppXProvisionedPackage -Online -PackageName $ProvItem.PackageName -ErrorAction SilentlyContinue | Out-Null
			catch { "Failed: Microsoft does not allow, or other error." }
			if (!$error) { "Succeeded!" }

$InstalledItems = Get-AppxPackage -AllUsers
foreach ($InstItem in $InstalledItems) {
	foreach ($RemItem in $RemovalItems) {
		if ($InstItem.Name -like "*$RemItem*") {
			Write-Host "User-level removal operation:" $InstItem.Name
			try {
				Get-AppxPackage $InstItem.Name -AllUsers | Remove-AppxPackage -Allusers -ErrorAction SilentlyContinue | Out-Null
			catch { "Failed: Microsoft does not allow, or other error." }
			if (!$error) { "Succeeded!" }

# End Script

The above first gets rid of the provisioned, then the user-level for all user profiles, for the whole list. There are some for which Microsoft prevents all removals; errors are thrown for these.
