Category: Application Issues

Skip EULA in 'pstools'
article #49, updated 6055 days ago

pstools is a very powerful command-line toolset for Windows:

Its only problem is GUI EULAs.  To get around these, create a CMD file containing the single line below:

regedit /s pstools-eula.reg

and a file name pstools-eula.reg containing the text below.  Then run the CMD file, and all of the pstools utilities will run silently.  Obviously, you can use the contents in both files in simpler manner in lots of different ways.

Windows Registry Editor Version 5.00




















'runonce' problems in IE7
article #33, updated 6204 days ago

If you see a blank screen when you start up IE7, or see ‘runonce’ problems, try this:



Photoshop CS and XP
article #23, updated 6251 days ago

Had some input yesterday of interest vis a vis Photoshop. At least two web resources indicate that Photoshop CS (version 8) is not compatible with XPSP2. Photoshop 7 works fine, and I have reports that CS2 also works fine.
