Category: BIOS

Automatic update of Lenovo drivers, firmware, etc.
article #1585, updated 320 days ago

Here it is:

It’s also available via Winget: winget install "Lenovo System Update"



Automatic install of Dell drivers and firmware, and more
article #1584, updated 326 days ago

Lots of interesting recently-updated tools here:



Automate install of HP drivers and firmware
article #1576, updated 411 days ago

HP Support Assistant is the oft-default tool, not suitable for automation; but there is the HP Image Assistant:

So far this looks like the way forward. Early testing done, not thorough yet. It has a GUI for default use, but also has command line usage. Download the installer, complete it, CD to the folder it created in command-line, and run HPImageAssistant.exe for nice GUI. Documentation is here:

Several command-line examples are in that PDF. This command does a lot of very good things, very silently:

.\HPImageAssistant /Operation:Analyze /Category:All,Accessories /selection:All /action:Install /silent /reportFolder:c:\HPIA\Report /softpaqdownloadfolder:c:\HPIA\download



Lenovo Vantage for Drivers and Firmware
article #1476, updated 1023 days ago

Here’s the page:



HP SoftPaq Download Manager for drivers and BIOS
article #1037, updated 2886 days ago

On some HP desktop hardware, this is the only way to get drivers and BIOS:



On a Dell: Windows configuration error, an error was encountered trying to configure Windows to allow flashing
article #725, updated 3832 days ago

If you see the above while trying to flash a replacement BIOS on a Dell, try:

  1. Backup your registry.
  2. Browse in REGEDIT to: HKLM\System\ControlSet001\Services
  3. Delete the DellBIOS key
  4. Reboot.



Installing 64-bit Windows 7 to GPT/UEFI
article #362, updated 4859 days ago

If the BIOS is UEFI-capable, one can install a current 64-bit Windows OS to a GPT partition, and this should increase overall reliability and stability of the hard drive by a good bit. But the procedure is interesting. Here’s the best example I’ve found so far:



Turn HPET on for Windows 7
article #136, updated 5457 days ago

If you see Windows 7 slow or less reliable than it should be, go deep into the BIOS and see if you can find an “HPET” item.  It may need to be enabled.  HPET is an option which permits certain operating systems (not XP, I believe) to multitask hardware into much smaller increments, which ends up permitting much higher overall responsiveness.



HP BIOS note
article #18, updated 6323 days ago

Had an HP laptop today which, when powered up, flashed by the BIOS keyboard prompt to blank screen, and gave an audible alarm. F2 does not bring up the BIOS setup on this laptop; however, not knowing this, I tried F2 (the prompt flashed very quickly), and it booted up fine. Conclusion: F2 is probably some sort of BIOS reset for current HP.



Notes for Dells!
article #17, updated 6323 days ago

David Childers recently collected the following data specific to Dells, probably relevant to Dimension 2400 and later.

At startup, there are four LEDs on the back of the systems. These function very similarly to the old POST boards for diagnostics that were used in the late 1980’s and early 1990’s. They will flash amber and green as the system initializes the subsystems:

Light A – Represents the Video subsystem

Light B – Represents the RAM subsystem

Light C – Represents the Data Bus (CPU to System Board) subsystem

Light D – Represents the Storage subsystem

Once all of the lights are green, fundamental hardware failures can be ruled out.

To reset the BIOS to factory defaults:

  1. Remove the power cable from the power supply. Leave the power switch on the power supply ON.
  2. Press and hold down the power button on the front of the case for at least 20 seconds.
  3. Replace power cord.
  4. Start system.

To clear the parameter RAM (CMOS)

  1. At startup, press F2 (or whatever) to enter the BIOS setup.
  2. Once you’re at the main BIOS screen, press alt-f to clear the CMOS RAM

A most interesting BIOS option

You can disable BIOS control of the PCI bus, and set it to OS control.
