Something new, $10/year. Working great for me as of this writing.
Something new, $10/year. Working great for me as of this writing.
Go to the Exchange console, under Organization Configuration, Hub Transport, properties of the item(s) in the Remote Domains list, Message Format tab. Choose “Never Use” under “Exchange rich-text format”.
A Microsoft reference is here:
with further notes here:
This has to be set at the Internet level only. We’ll use “” as the domain name, just replace it with yours.
At Network Solutions, the “Service” pulldown needs to have “_autodiscover”, the “Protocol” pulldown needs to have “_tcp”, “Priority” and “Weight” need to be zero, the “Port” needs to be 443, and the “Target” needs to be the A record name used in the MX record, e.g., “”.
At GoDaddy, “Service” needs to contain “_autodiscover”, “Protocol” needs to contain “_tcp”, “Name” needs to contain “@”, “Priority” needs to be 0 (zero), “Weight” needs to be 0 (zero), “Port” needs to be 443, and “Target” needs to be the A record name used in the MX record, e.g., “”.
You can test the setup with nslookup:
nslookup -querytype=SRV
The result should be approximately thus:
Server: dns.domain.local Address: Non-authoritative answer: SRV service location: priority = 0 weight = 0 port = 443 svr hostname =
Do these in Exchange command shell, replacing all site data as indicated (US is the short geographical form):
$Data = New-ExchangeCertificate -GenerateRequest -SubjectName "c=US, o=Organization Name," -DomainName, -PrivateKeyExportable $true Set-Content -path "C:\Docs\MyCertRequest.req" -Value $Data
Then get the thumbprint for the certificate request created above:
and paste it into this (replacing the thumbprint via copy/paste):
get-exchangecertificate -thumbprint asdfdefghijklmnopqrstuvwxyz | new-exchangecertificate
and then, most likely (again replacing the thumbprint via copy/paste):
enable-exchangecertificate -thumbprint asdfdefghijklmnopqrstuvwxyz -Services POP,IMAP,SMTP,IIS
A better way to import PSTs into Exchange:
It works very very fast (22% of 2G in 4 minutes on one new SBS2011 server, SATA RAID-5). Does need Outlook 2010 installed on the server though, if contacts are to be imported.
Here is a great set of instructions with screenshots:
is an excellent set of steps for use when the need is to import and export PSTs for mailboxes in Exchange 2010.
In Exchange 2007, one can schedule the move of one or more mailboxes for after-hours times.
In Exchange 2010, one can move mailboxes while users are using them (!), without the users knowing anything is happening.
Well done guys!
In the Exchange GUI, just go under Server Configuration and Mailbox, and create a new mailbox, and then go to Recipient Configuration and Mailbox, choose some to move, right-click, and start the process.
A very good reference for 2007:
And another for both:
Here is a good working order:
net start MSExchangeAB net start MSExchangeADTopology net start MSExchangeAntispamUpdate net start MSExchangeEdgeSync net start MSExchangeFBA net start MSExchangeFDS net start MSExchangeIS net start MSExchangeMailboxAssistants net start MSExchangeMailboxReplication net start MSExchangeMailSubmission net start MSExchangeProtectedServiceHost net start MSExchangeRepl net start MSExchangeRPC net start MSExchangeSA net start MSExchangeSearch net start MSExchangeServiceHost net start MSExchangeThrottling net start MSExchangeTransport net start MSExchangeTransportLogSearch net start MSExchangeMailSubmission