Category: Networking Analysis, Ports, & Protocols

Test network speed (bandwidth) between LAN machines
article #456, updated 1948 days ago

Here is a tool for this purpose:



LAN firewall settings for ESET
article #1098, updated 2490 days ago

Here they are:



Set NIC to full DHCP via netsh
article #1057, updated 2594 days ago

To set a Windows NIC to full DHCP via netsh, do this, replacing “Local Area Connection” to the name of the NIC if it’s not the same:

netsh interface ip set address "Local Area Connection" dhcp
netsh interface ip set dns "Local Area Connection" dhcp
netsh interface ip set wins "Local Area Connection" dhcp

Sometimes, if WINS is set static, you have to do this before WINS can be set DHCP:

netsh interface ip set wins "Local Area Connection" static none



How to check NetBIOS status of a LAN and VPN
article #956, updated 2978 days ago

To learn what is going on NetBIOS-wise on your LAN, in Windows, do this:


This will get you something like the below. If you have WINS active — which is essential for NetBIOS and group policy over a VPN if you don’t do IPv6 — you will see the names resolved by name server as below. If not, if names are resolved by broadcast, you don’t have WINS, and NetBIOS will not work across VPN.

    NetBIOS Names Resolution and Registration Statistics

    Resolved By Broadcast     = 0
    Resolved By Name Server   = 1187

    Registered By Broadcast   = 0
    Registered By Name Server = 6



Scan Your Network for IP Devices
article #793, updated 3405 days ago

Excellent tool:



Windows 7 sharing and peer-to-peer networking
article #490, updated 4246 days ago

Here are a large number of changes to try if Windows 7 sharing doesn’t work:



Oracle ports list
article #428, updated 4470 days ago

The entire list appears to be here:
