In SQL Studio for SQL 2008, under a database object, go to Management, then Maintenance Plans. If you double-click on an item under there, you’ll see a Visio-like flowchart; double-clicking on any of the items will permit reconfiguration.
Category: Servers
SQL Server 2008 internal backup
article #272, updated 5034 days ago
Remote Web Workplace (RWW) Ports
article #260, updated 5058 days ago
RWW uses ports 4125 and 443.
Reinitialize Offline Files
article #250, updated 5079 days ago
Microsoft has a way:
LSI RAID parameters and policies
article #233, updated 5104 days ago
Here is a document from LSI which specifies best settings for LSI RAID:
Move an SQL Server transaction log
article #224, updated 5150 days ago
A very good series of steps, actually one command-line and one GUI, are here:
Updating drivers and admin apps on a Dell server
article #174, updated 5269 days ago
We have three stages so far.
- Go to, and hunt around for the SUU with items for your particular server model. “SUU” is what Dell is calling it, it stands for “Server Update Utility”. You’ll be able to build a complete ISO of a DVD.
- The “Dell OpenManage Server Administrator” is often the only source of chipset drivers, and it is sometimes not visible on the drivers page for the server. At this writing, the best method to find the current version appears to be this Google search.
- Check the individual downloads for your server, too.
A bit out of date, but still quite useful to help us figure out what to do, is this page:
Delete Windows share by script
article #172, updated 5275 days ago
Put the below in a VBS file and run it (from a batch file perhaps) with ‘wscript filename.vbs’.
' The name of the share. strShareName = "SHARE" ' SERVERNAME has to be the hostname of the machine containing the sahre Set objfServer = GetObject("WinNT://SERVERNAME/lanmanserver") objfServer.Delete "Fileshare", strShareName Set objfServer= Nothing
Control memory usage of various bits in SBS
article #151, updated 5348 days ago
A very good article is here:
Blackberry Controller won't run
article #94, updated 5656 days ago
If the Blackberry Controller service won’t run, try restarting the DNS server, and then try to start the Blackberry Controller. If that works, you are seeing a TCP/UDP port conflict between Microsoft DNS and the Blackberry server. You need to reserve these ports:
using this registry edit:
Install PHP on IIS 6
article #88, updated 5696 days ago
Good instructions are here: