Category: ShoreTel

Shared contacts folders in ShoreTel Communicator
article #904, updated 3354 days ago

Recent versions of ShoreTel Communicator have a lot of trouble handling shared contacts folders as found in Outlook. But there is a fix:


  1. The user must be a local admin.
  2. The install requires that Communicator and Outlook be not running. There is a click within the setup utility to make sure of this.
  3. Click within the installer, to install.
  4. Reboot the PC.
  5. Log in as the user again. Open ShoreTel Communicator, Tools/Options…, Outlook, Upload Options. See multiple items, all checked. This confirms successful installation.
  6. Open Outlook, make sure all ShoreTel plugins are not disabled.
  7. Open the Directory tab in Communicator, this is where they will show up; attempt a search on a common first name (e.g., “Joe”), this will prove that it is working.
