Chocolatey is a great way to get a huge variety of software into your Windows machine in a very consistent way. Boxstarter uses Chocolatey for large repeated OS and package setups, both virtual and hardware. Boxstarter has a great Windows update method inside. To call it all via Powershell, one can do this (make sure you’re administrative):
$PSCred = Get-Credential
Set-ExecutionPolicy Bypass -Force
iex ((New-Object System.Net.WebClient).DownloadString(''))
choco install boxstarter -y
choco install boxstarter.chocolatey -y
Install-BoxstarterPackage -PackageName Boxstarter.WindowsUpdate -Credential $PScred
The credential is a local admin to the box, it is there so the updater can run through as many reboots as necessary to get the job done. Please do be aware that this will reboot the machine immediately after setup, and will reboot it repeatedly as needed to get the machine fully up to date. It also installs a public desktop icon called “Boxstarter Shell” which probably will need to be removed.
One can copy all of the above lines into a file, e.g., “winup.ps1”, and then run “.\winup” in an administrative Powershell, it will work very nicely.
Windows Installer, Updates, Patching
This Powershell command does a lot of good:
Get-WMIObject Win32_Product | Sort-Object -Property Name | Format-Table Name, IdentifyingNumber -Wrap
It gets the names, and the long unique install codes (GUIDs), which look something like this:
Usually one can then run this:
MsiExec.exe /x {90160000-008C-0000-0000-0000000FF1CE} /q /qn /norestart
to remove quietly. When this doesn’t work, there is a plan B:
Get-WMIObject Win32_Product | Sort-Object -Property Name | Format-Table Name, LocalPackage -Wrap
which gets the names and the locations of the system-local copies of the MSIs. One should be able to do the same MsiExec command on those too, though this does not always work either.
Windows Installer, Updates, Patching
Windows Installer, Updates, Patching
Windows OS-Level Issues
The “Update” button on this page delivers a method faster than most:
Windows Installer, Updates, Patching
This is something new to Windows 10/2016, a C runtime library different than the redistributables. It is a required additional install for some things to run on OS before 10/2016.
Windows OS-Level Issues
Windows Installer, Updates, Patching
Here is the only complete method known to this writer to automatically download and install all current Microsoft redists. It uses this:
- You’ll need the PowerShell Gallery. Windows 10 and WMF 5.1 come with it.
- If you have 10, or once you have WMF installed, you can just run GETREDISTS.CMD (part of windows-tools ) as administrator. Alternatively, you can continue :-)
- VcRedist is the core, we’ll install that automatically as part of the procedure. In administrative PowerShell (the -Force takes in any new updates):
Set-ExecutionPolicy -ExecutionPolicy RemoteSigned -Force
Install-PackageProvider -Name NuGet -Force
Install-Module -Name NuGet -SkipPublisherCheck -Force
Import-Module -Name NuGet
Install-Module -Name VcRedist -SkipPublisherCheck -Force
Import-Module -Name VcRedist
New-Item C:\VcRedist -ItemType Directory
Get-VcList | Get-VcRedist -Path C:\VcRedist
Get-VcList | Install-VcRedist -Path C:\VcRedist
The above installs all of the redistributables which Microsoft currently supports. Reportedly, some older ones (going back to 2005 at this writing) can be had using this:
Set-ExecutionPolicy -ExecutionPolicy RemoteSigned -Force
Install-PackageProvider -Name NuGet -Force
Install-Module -Name NuGet -SkipPublisherCheck -Force
Import-Module -Name NuGet
Install-Module -Name VcRedist -SkipPublisherCheck -Force
Import-Module -Name VcRedist
New-Item C:\VcRedist -ItemType Directory
Get-VcList -Export All | Get-VcRedist -Path C:\VcRedist
Get-VcList -Export All | Install-VcRedist -Path C:\VcRedist
You may wish to delete the downloadables after the procedure:
Remove-Item C:\VcRedist -Recurse -Force
Windows OS-Level Issues
Windows Installer, Updates, Patching
If Windows Updates says it’s controlled by system administration and not you, check all three of these:
You’ll probably see a DWORD preventing access. Delete it and try again.
Windows Installer, Updates, Patching
No keys of course, but ISO media indeed, and very helpful for DISM and other fixes:
Windows OS-Level Issues
Windows Installer, Updates, Patching
If the Windows Installer method doesn’t work, ESET has a tool. It does have to be run with the OS in safe mode:
ESET Antivirus
Windows Installer, Updates, Patching
Another from Matt the Quick:
By default, WSUS does not have .NET 3.5 available to install. This creates issues when .NET 3.5 is needed after a machine has joined the domain. Below is the workaround steps to install .NET 3.5 using the operating system ISO and not Windows Update or WSUS.
- Mount the ISO of the operating system. The Server 2016 ISO is known to work for this.
- Open an Administrative Command Prompt and run the following command:
dism /online /enable-feature /featurename:netfx3 /all /source:D:\sources\sxs /limitaccess
NOTE: The Source flag will have to be changed to reflect the Sources\sxs folder on your installation media. This is likely going to be the D drive (as in the example above), but it’s possible your results may differ slightly.
- Reboot machine.
Windows OS-Level Issues
Windows Installer, Updates, Patching