Compile grub-customizer 4.0.6 when it won't

article #871, updated 3346 days ago

Grub Customizer is a great GUI configurator for GRUB, currently the most common boot loader for ix86 and AMD64 hardware. The Customizer has issues compiling on some setups, especially later versions of gcc. Here’s what I found to do:

  1. Download grub-customizer-4.0.6.tar.gz, unpack.
  2. ccmake .
  3. Resolve any missing libraries et cetera. ccmake . again until nothing missing.
  4. Look for these files:
  5. Add -std=gnu++11 as first item to CXX_FLAGS in both files.
  6. cmake .
  7. Again resolve any missing libraries et cetera. cmake . again until nothing missing.
  8. make
  9. sudo make install
