Disable RTF (and WINMAIL.DAT) in Exchange Online and 2010

article #773, updated 3439 days ago

To disable Rich Text Format, and eliminate WINMAIL.DAT transmission, in Exchange Online:

  1. Log into https://outlook.office365.com
  2. Click the 3×3 matrix at the upper-left, click Admin
  3. Scroll down on the left side, open Admin if it’s not opened, click Exchange
  4. Under the heading Mail Flow, click Remote Domains
  5. Edit the item Default
  6. set “Use rich-text format”, to Never.

In Exchange 2010:

  1. Open the Exchange GUI console,
  2. Open Organization Configuration, Hub Transport, and the Remote Domains tab.
  3. Open the Properties of Default/*.
  4. Browse to the Message Format tab.
  5. Under “Exchange rich-text format”, choose “Never use”.
