Exchange 2013: 550 5.7.1 Client does not have permissions to send as this sender

article #1208, updated 2410 days ago

This is is caused by bad permissions in a receive connector. The fix:

  1. Open ADSIEdit
  2. Browse to Configuration, Services, Microsoft Exchange, , Administrative Groups, Exchange Administrative Group, Servers, , Protocols, SMTP Receive Connectors
  3. Open the properties for the receive connector(s) involved in the transmissions you are debugging
  4. Open the Security Tab. Under “Authenticated Users”, make sure “Accept any Sender” and “Accept Authoritative Domain Sender” are checked.
  5. Wait five or ten seconds, and try again.
  6. If still not, or if it works for a little while and then does the error again, you probably have severe issues in your Exchange. For a stopgap, you can set permissions for Everyone, but an Exchange rebuild is probably warranted.
