FSUTIL Tweaks for NTFS Performance and Reliability

article #1145, updated 2580 days ago

FSUTIL is a general-purpose NTFS tweak tool. Here is a set of changes which appears to be helpful in general towards performance:

fsutil 8dot3name set 1
fsutil behavior set memoryusage 2
fsutil behavior set disablelastaccess 1
fsutil resource setavailable C:\
fsutil resource setlog shrink 10 C:\

In order:

  • Turns off 8dot3name creation. Does not invalidate existing 8dot3names.
  • Increases RAM cache devoted to NTFS.
  • Turns off “last access” timestamp storage for files. Disindicated for some older backup systems.
  • Makes the filesystem more focussed on “availability” and less on “consistency”.

And here are some which increase reliability:

fsutil repair set C: 0x01
fsutil resource setautoreset true C:\
fsutil resource setconsistent C:\

In order again:

  • Turns autorepair on for C: drive.
  • Cleans transactional metadata on next mount
  • Makes the filesystem more focussed on “consistency” and less on “availability”.

Do be aware that “resource setavailable” and “resource setconsistent” are opposites, both do not get set at the same time :-) Also neither of them appear to be valid on system volumes, errors are thrown.

Here is one set which seems to balance reliability and performance boost:

fsutil 8dot3name set 1
fsutil behavior set memoryusage 2
fsutil behavior set disablelastaccess 1
fsutil repair set C: 0x01
fsutil resource setautoreset true C:\
fsutil resource setconsistent C:\
fsutil resource setlog shrink 10 C:\
