How to Install Microsoft ADMX Group Policy Templates

article #1082, updated 978 days ago

When we install new group policy templates from Microsoft, e.g., the Windows 10 set by which we may upgrade existing networks, they now come in the newer ADMX format. Do this on every domain controller:

  1. The package is downloaded as a self-installing EXE which requires you to specify a folder. Do not try to manually unpack this, for some reason the contents are in small pieces which the installer assembles. Just run the EXE and give a useful path, e.g., C:\IT.
  2. Open an administrative CMD, and CD to the extraction point. Then CD into the folder “admx”, one level down.
  3. Run the following. If your language is not en-us, replace it in the last two lines. If your servers have multiple languages, you’ll need to replicate lines with multiple language specifications.
xcopy *.admx \\%userdnsdomain%\sysvol\%userdnsdomain%\Policies\PolicyDefinitions /Y /I
xcopy *.admx %SystemRoot%\PolicyDefinitions /Y /I
xcopy en-US\*.adml \\%userdnsdomain%\sysvol\%userdnsdomain%\Policies\PolicyDefinitions\en-us /Y /I
xcopy en-US\*.adml %SystemRoot%\PolicyDefinitions\en-us /Y /I

Another very common set needing this install, is the Office Administrative Templates.

Multiple versions of Office templates coexist nicely. But the same cannot be said for Windows OS templates. It appears that when a complete refresh of OS templates is required, good results obtain by removing all of the OS templates and then installing new.
