Internal QoS on Linux for General Speed and Reliability

article #972, updated 2843 days ago

Prioritizing certain kinds of data, can help a lot in general on Linux. Here’s the FireQOS configuration I just set up on this 802.11g-wireless laptop:

interface $DEVICE world-in input rate $INPUT_SPEED
interface $DEVICE world-out output rate $OUTPUT_SPEED

interface $DEVICE world-in input rate $INPUT_SPEED $LINKTYPE balanced
	class priority commit 10%
		match tcp port 22,3389,53,444  # SSH, RDP, DNS, SSL VPN
		match proto GRE
		match icmp
		match tcp syn
		match tcp ack

interface $DEVICE world-out output rate $OUTPUT_SPEED $LINKTYPE balanced
	class priority commit 10%
		match tcp port 22,3389,53,444
		match proto GRE
		match icmp
		match tcp syn
		match tcp ack
