Replace Mail Icon in Control Panel

article #504, updated 4412 days ago

1. Find the proper MLCFG32.CPL . This is the control panel icon for Outlook mail configuration. It will be somewhere under Program Files.

2. Determine its path in short (8×3) form. This can be done using DIR /X. It usually starts with C:\PROGRA~1. It varies according to OS and version of Outlook. If you have more than one version of Outlook present, remove one, run the repair on the other, and then do this. An example of a valid path for one XP box:

3. In RegEdit, go here: HKEY_CURRENT_USER\Control Panel\MMCPL

4. Create or open a registry string key called mlcfg32.cpl. Put the 8×3 path for this file as the value for the string key.

5. Open the control panel, and it’s there. It may not be in alphabetical order until you sort it manually.
