A new Windows TCP/IP standard, preventing Windows Port Exhaustion

article #1556, updated 509 days ago

It appears that there is a new standard of Microsoft Windows TCP/UDP port setup. Their doc is here:


I landed there because I saw event log items 4227, tcpip, “TCP/IP failed to establish an outgoing connection because the selected local endpoint was recently used to connect to the same remote endpoint. This error typically occurs when outgoing connections are opened and closed at a high rate…”

If you see lots of those events, or don’t, this paste gets us to the new standard:

netsh int ipv4 set dynamic tcp start=49152 num=16384
netsh int ipv4 set dynamic udp start=49152 num=16384

To see your current settings:

netsh int ipv4 show dynamicport tcp
netsh int ipv4 show dynamicport udp

And if you want to combine the above with full disable of NETBIOS and related:

Get-CimInstance -ClassName 'Win32_NetworkAdapterConfiguration' | Invoke-CimMethod -MethodName 'SetTcpipNetbios' -Arguments @{ 'TcpipNetbiosOptions' = [UInt32](2) }
Get-WmiObject Win32_NetworkAdapterConfiguration | Invoke-WmiMethod -Name SetWINSServer -ArgumentList @('','')
$nicall = [wmiclass]'Win32_NetworkAdapterConfiguration'
netsh int ipv4 set dynamic tcp start=49152 num=16384
netsh int ipv4 set dynamic udp start=49152 num=16384
