Category: Performance

USN journal in NTFS: delete and recreate for performance gains
article #1483, updated 196 days ago

The journal can get huge over time, slowing machines down a lot. Here’s how to delete it and recreate it for C:, in CMD. The process can cause interference and conflict with Windows internals and applications, though I have not seen this happen so far. On a machine that has been in use a while, it can help a whole lot.

fsutil usn deletejournal /n C: & fsutil usn createjournal C:

Here are quick pastes for D: and E:.

fsutil usn deletejournal /n D: & fsutil usn createjournal D:
fsutil usn deletejournal /n E: & fsutil usn createjournal E:

In 2012R2/8.1 and before, we must be more specific in the creation:

fsutil usn deletejournal /n C: & fsutil usn createjournal m=1000 a=100 C:
fsutil usn deletejournal /n D: & fsutil usn createjournal m=1000 a=100 D:
fsutil usn deletejournal /n E: & fsutil usn createjournal m=1000 a=100 E:

And here’s Powershell, to do it all for every drive letter in the system:

# Delete and Recreate NTFS USN Journal #

# This script iterates through all lettered NTFS drives in Windows, 
# and deletes and recreates the USN Journal of each one.
# Considerable performance gain results if the image has been running
# for a year or more.

# There are slightly different commands between some OS versions.
$OSVer = [System.Environment]::OSVersion.Version
If ($OSVer.Major -gt 10)
	"OS > 10. Create uses short command."
	$ShortCommand = $True
} ElseIf ($OSVer.Major -eq 10) {
	If ($OSVer.Build -le 14393)	{
		("OS is 10 build " + $OSVer.Build + ". " + "Create uses long command.")
		$ShortCommand = $False
	Else {
		"OS is 10, build > 14393. Create uses short command."
		$ShortCommand = $True
} ElseIf ($OSVer.Major -lt 10) {
	"OS < 10. Create uses long command."
	$ShortCommand = $False

Get-CimInstance -Query "Select * FROM Win32_LogicalDisk WHERE DriveType=3" | ForEach-Object {
	$DriveID = $_.DeviceID

	If ($DriveID -match "[A-Z]")
		"Deleting USN Journal on " + $DriveID + " ..."
		fsutil usn deletejournal /n $DriveID

		"Recreating USN Journal on " + $DriveID + " ..."
		if ($ShortCommand) {
			fsutil usn createjournal $DriveID
		else {
			fsutil usn createjournal m=1000 a=100 $DriveID
# End Script




Optimize TCP on Windows for Internet and Networking Speed
article #1217, updated 247 days ago

This venerable tool:

is still by far the best. It optimizes Windows settings for speed on the Internet. It can help at both home and enterprise, and quite a lot. Still being kept up to date for Windows 11.



Major performance boost: Disable NETBIOS and related on all Windows NICs
article #1557, updated 256 days ago

NETBIOS is a very legacy protocol, security of it is very poor. Substantial performance gains by disabling it have been noticed. This is probably because when active it broadcasts constantly to every single NIC on its LAN, creating NIC and switch contention. Also, a large proportion of security violation exploits use it, so disabling becomes a very good idea in general. The only exceptions occur when there are needs to do SMB sharing with very old machines, machines all long out of support. By default, it is still active on all current Microsoft Windows operating systems.

Here is a paste to Powershell that does it all:

Get-CimInstance -ClassName 'Win32_NetworkAdapterConfiguration' | Invoke-CimMethod -MethodName 'SetTcpipNetbios' -Arguments @{ 'TcpipNetbiosOptions' = [UInt32](2) }

Get-WmiObject Win32_NetworkAdapterConfiguration | Invoke-WmiMethod -Name SetWINSServer -ArgumentList @('','')

$nicall = [wmiclass]'Win32_NetworkAdapterConfiguration'

Set-Service -Name "lmhosts" -StartupType Disabled
Stop-Service -Name "lmhosts"

The various bits are below.

Turn off NETBIOS over TCP/IP, for each NIC:

Get-CimInstance -ClassName 'Win32_NetworkAdapterConfiguration' | Where-Object -Property 'TcpipNetbiosOptions' -ne $null | Invoke-CimMethod -MethodName 'SetTcpipNetbios' -Arguments @{ 'TcpipNetbiosOptions' = [UInt32](2) }

Get rid of all WINS entries, if present (sorry, no CimInstance code yet):

Get-WmiObject Win32_NetworkAdapterConfiguration -Filter "IPEnabled='True'" | Invoke-WmiMethod -Name SetWINSServer -ArgumentList @('','')

Uncheck of LMHOSTS lookups:

$nicall = [wmiclass]'Win32_NetworkAdapterConfiguration'

Disable the service “TCP/IP NetBIOS Helper”:

Set-Service -Name "lmhosts" -StartupType Disabled
Stop-Service -Name "lmhosts"

If Microsoft DHCP is in use, DHCP can tell clients to do the simple disable, the first item above:

And if you want to combine the above with a new Microsoft standard preventing Windows port exhaustion:

Get-CimInstance -ClassName 'Win32_NetworkAdapterConfiguration' | Invoke-CimMethod -MethodName 'SetTcpipNetbios' -Arguments @{ 'TcpipNetbiosOptions' = [UInt32](2) }
Get-WmiObject Win32_NetworkAdapterConfiguration | Invoke-WmiMethod -Name SetWINSServer -ArgumentList @('','')
$nicall = [wmiclass]'Win32_NetworkAdapterConfiguration'
Set-Service -Name "lmhosts" -StartupType Disabled
Stop-Service -Name "lmhosts"
netsh int ipv4 set dynamic tcp start=49152 num=16384
netsh int ipv4 set dynamic udp start=49152 num=16384

Below is another script, to reenable the protocols, though it does not try to put back any WINS server IPs that may have been deleted, and it cannot override Microsoft DHCP:

Get-CimInstance -ClassName 'Win32_NetworkAdapterConfiguration' | Invoke-CimMethod -MethodName 'SetTcpipNetbios' -Arguments @{ 'TcpipNetbiosOptions' = 0 }

$DisableLMHosts_Class=Get-WmiObject -list Win32_NetworkAdapterConfiguration
Set-Service -Name "lmhosts" -StartupType Manual
Start-Service -Name "lmhosts"



Appx Cleanup for Windows 10/11 Performance
article #1561, updated 274 days ago

Appx’s are a method used for application install, first delivered in Windows 8.1. There are a lot of builtins which take live system resources in hidden fashion, usually not showing up in Task Manager very much or at all. And there have been a lot of changes in this over recent years. Here’s an overview of items for cleanup as of this writing. One can free a lot of resources on machines this way.

The first thing to know is that many appx’s are “provisioned”, they are embedded in the current (“online”) DISM image, and will be automatically activated whenever a new user profile is made. To get a list of these:

Get-AppxProvisionedPackage -Online | Sort-Object | ft DisplayName, PackageName

To get a list of all apps installed for all users, in nicely sorted form:

Get-AppxPackage -AllUsers | Sort-Object | ft

To remove several of these, that I like to have gone in business desktops, both from provisioning and from any user for which any of them may be installed:

#Begin Script

$RemovalItems =  @(

$ProvisionedItems = Get-AppxProvisionedPackage -Online
foreach ($ProvItem in $ProvisionedItems) {
	foreach ($RemItem in $RemovalItems) {
		If ($ProvItem.DisplayName -like "*$RemItem*") {
			Write-Host "Deprovisioning:" $ProvItem.DisplayName
			try {
				Remove-AppXProvisionedPackage -Online -PackageName $ProvItem.PackageName -ErrorAction SilentlyContinue | Out-Null
			catch { "Failed: Microsoft does not allow, or other error." }
			if (!$error) { "Succeeded!" }

$InstalledItems = Get-AppxPackage -AllUsers
foreach ($InstItem in $InstalledItems) {
	foreach ($RemItem in $RemovalItems) {
		if ($InstItem.Name -like "*$RemItem*") {
			Write-Host "User-level removal operation:" $InstItem.Name
			try {
				Get-AppxPackage $InstItem.Name -AllUsers | Remove-AppxPackage -Allusers -ErrorAction SilentlyContinue | Out-Null
			catch { "Failed: Microsoft does not allow, or other error." }
			if (!$error) { "Succeeded!" }

# End Script

The above first gets rid of the provisioned, then the user-level for all user profiles, for the whole list. There are some for which Microsoft prevents all removals; errors are thrown for these.



Increase WMI quota for performance under heavy load
article #1587, updated 275 days ago




Disable "News and Interests" in Windows 10
article #1570, updated 442 days ago

Here is Group Policy:

Computer Configuration / Administrative Templates / Windows Components / News and interests



Hidden Memory Usage in Win10/11
article #1541, updated 604 days ago

There are machines with (say) 16 gigabytes of RAM, where Task Manager shows 97% or more memory in use, but the numbers don’t add up even close to 16G. The first step is to get RAMMap:

and study the Use Counts tab list. There may be more than one cause, but the one I’m looking at, shows most of my RAM used by “Driver Locked”. Microsoft says updated drivers will fix it. Will continue this article when I have data. Current references:



Boost TCP/IP performance in Windows?
article #1540, updated 610 days ago

At least on this office LAN, this is helping. Not clear whether it helps everywhere and all.

In Regedit, go to:


You’ll notice several GUIDs. These are all of the network interfaces Windows knows about, virtual, Bluetooth, whatnot. You’ll want to try adding the below to any of them that you use.

TCPAckFrequency = 1

Technically this is called “disabling delayed ACK”. It seems to be helping me a lot for all accesses, including SMB, intranet, and Internet.



New Windows performance tool: Wise Care 365
article #1517, updated 702 days ago

This one has a lot of very nice performance tweaks, and a defrag within that seems to do a good job, though one cannot defrag an SSD, only TRIM.



CLEANMGR Advanced Mode
article #1444, updated 724 days ago

Run it like this from administrative CMD, in two steps. In the first step just check everything off. The second step runs it all. Cleans a whole lot more than any other way, and after you do the first step, the second step stays put, the number is actually the maximum index of sets of cleanup that you can keep around for future semi/automatic use.

Cleanmgr /sageset:65535 
Cleanmgr /sagerun:65535
