This works well:
import-module activedirectory get-aduser -filter * | set-aduser -scriptpath filename_in_netlogon.vbs
This works well:
import-module activedirectory get-aduser -filter * | set-aduser -scriptpath filename_in_netlogon.vbs
Run the following within Active Directory Module for Windows PowerShell:
Get-ADobject -LDAPFilter "objectClass=organizationalUnit" -SearchBase "DC=domainname,DC=local" | Set-adobject -ProtectedFromAccidentalDeletion $true
Here’s a great set of steps for these:
The short of it is:
Some articles:
If one has one’s LAN Active Directory synchronized with EOL/Azure, one cannot add secondary email addresses in the EOL console. In this situation:
Also, as a bonus, after the above is done once, user objects in Active Directory Users and Computers get a new tab, “Attributes”, from which the above can be done for other users.
From the amazing Farhan Kazi:
@ECHO OFF SETLOCAL EnableDelayedExpansion SET FileName=Report.csv SET AG=0 SET EG=0 SET CT=0 SET NE=0 SET GN= FOR /F %%T IN ('DSQuery * -Filter "(&(objectClass=Group))" -Limit 0') DO SET /a AG+=1 >NUL FOR /F %%T IN ('DSQuery * -Filter "(&(objectClass=Group)(^!member=*))" -Limit 0') DO SET /a EG+=1 >NUL SET /a NE=!AG!-!EG! ECHO Total Groups in Active Directory %AG% out of them %EG% are empty.&&ECHO. ECHO Group,Members>"!FileName!" TITLE Exporting !NE! Non-Empty AD Groups. FOR /F "delims=" %%G IN ('DSQuery * -Filter "(&(objectClass=Group)(member=*))" -Limit 0') DO ( FOR /F "delims=" %%v IN ('DSQuery * %%G -l -q -Attr Name -Limit 0') DO SET GN=%%v SET /a CT+=1 >NUL ECHO !CT!. Exporting: !GN! FOR /F "delims=" %%M IN ('DSGET Group %%G -Members') DO ( FOR /F "delims=" %%U IN ('DSQuery * %%M -l -q -Attr displayName') DO ( ECHO !GN!,%%U>>"!FileName!"))) TITLE Export complete. ECHO.&&ECHO Export complete, please check '!FileName!' file. EXIT /B 0
Here’s a mod, which creates one file per group:
REM REM Export all Active Directory groups to CSV files REM One CSV file per group REM REM Original written by Farhan Kazi REM REM REM Modded for one file per group by Jonathan Brickman REM REM @ECHO OFF SETLOCAL EnableDelayedExpansion SET AG=0 SET EG=0 SET CT=0 SET NE=0 SET GN= FOR /F %%T IN ('DSQuery * -Filter "(&(objectClass=Group))" -Limit 0') DO SET /a AG+=1 >NUL FOR /F %%T IN ('DSQuery * -Filter "(&(objectClass=Group)(^!member=*))" -Limit 0') DO SET /a EG+=1 >NUL SET /a NE=!AG!-!EG! ECHO Total Groups in Active Directory %AG% out of them %EG% are empty.&&ECHO. TITLE Exporting !NE! Non-Empty AD Groups. FOR /F "delims=" %%G IN ('DSQuery * -Filter "(&(objectClass=Group)(member=*))" -Limit 0') DO ( FOR /F "delims=" %%v IN ('DSQuery * %%G -l -q -Attr Name -Limit 0') DO SET GN=%%v SET /a CT+=1 >NUL ECHO !CT!. Exporting: !GN! FOR /F "delims=" %%M IN ('DSGET Group %%G -Members') DO ( FOR /F "delims=" %%U IN ('DSQuery * %%M -l -q -Attr displayName') DO ( ECHO %%U>>"!GN!".CSV))) TITLE Export complete. ECHO.&&ECHO Export complete. EXIT /B 0
It’s called adding a UPN suffix, and it’s documented here:
The following command often works:
dcdiag /fix
There is also:
netdiag /fix
To remove an old exchange server from AD:
Start/Run, adisedit.msc
Then expand:
CN=Configuration>CN=Services>CN=Microsoft Exchange>CN=Organization name>
CN=Administrative Groups>CN=Servers
Then delete the old server by name.