Category: Backup

Estimating Time for Transfer Completion
article #1472, updated 1043 days ago

Here are some helpful estimates rewritten, courtesy of Axcient:

10GB 50GB 100GB 500GB 1TB 2TB 10TB 20 TB
1Mbps 23.9 Hours 5 Days 10 Days - - - - -
3Mbps 8 Hours 1.6 Days 3.3 Days 16.5 Days - - - -
5Mbps 4.75 Hours 1 Day 2 Days 10 Days 20 Days - - -
10Mbps 2.4 Hours 12 Hours 1 Day 5 Days 10 Days 20 Days - -
20Mbps 1.2 Hours 6 Hours 12 Hours 2.5 Days 5 Days 10 Days 49 Days -
50Mbps 28 Min 2.4 Hours 4.75 Hours 1 Day 2 Days 4 Days 20 Days 40 Days
100Mbps 14 Min 1.2 Hours 2.4 Hours 12 Hours 1 Day 2 Days 10 Days 20 Days
300Mbps 5 Min 24 Min 47 Min 4 Hours 8 Hours 16 Hours 3.5 Days 6.6 Days
500Mbps 3 Min 14 Min 28 Min 2.4 Hours 4.75 Hours 9.5 Hours 2 Days 4 Days
1000Mbps 1.5 Min 7 Min 14 Min 1.2 Hours 2.4 Hours 4.75 Hours 1 day 2 Days



Notification by Email for Windows 2008 Backup
article #359, updated 1290 days ago

It is very possible. Here is a good way.

Windows 2008 Backup Reporting by Email

I    Prepare the script.

The purpose of the script is to actually send the email. We don’t use any built-in email capability, because to do so would make configuration much more complicated. The full text of the script is at the end of this document (as section III). You will need to modify the values for EmailSubject and EmailBody to match the site at which the server is located, and put this modified copy in a good safe location on the server.

The script is pre-configured for gmail. For other ISPs you may need to modify the TCP/IP email port number and/or turn SSL off.

This example will use the location “C:\0DCST\bin”, and the script file name “ReportBackupFailureByEmail.vbs”.

II    Insert the script into the Task Scheduler.

1. Open up Task Scheduler, and view the Task Scheduler Library.

2. Select Create Task… under Actions. This gets you here:

Enter a name and description for your new task. Be sure to select the option to “Run whether user is logged on or not” to ensure the task still runs after you log out.

3. Click on the Triggers tab and click on New. Select “On an Event” from the drop down. Choose “Custom” under Settings.

4. Click on “New Event Filter…”. Then, choose as follows:

Select all of the event levels except “Information” and Verbose”. Then select “By log”. In the Event Logs dropdown, open Applications and Services Logs, then Microsoft, then Windows, then Backup, and choose Operational.

Once your end result looks like this:

press OK.

5. Head over to the Actions tab and select “New…”. For this example, the following is correct:

Press OK and OK, put in your authentication, and you’re done!

III    The Script:

' Report Backup Failure by Email '

' Script version 1.0
' Needs to be run by Task Manager, triggered by appropriate events

' Modify lines below only to fit site, server, and email configuration

ServerName = "SERVERNAME"
SiteName = "SITENAME"

Const EmailFrom = ""
Const EmailFromName = "From Name"
Const EmailTo = ""
Const SMTPServer = ""
Const SMTPLogon = ""
Const SMTPPassword = "gmailpassword"

Const SMTPSSL = True
Const SMTPPort = 465

' Do not modify anything further below

EmailSubject = ServerName & ":  Windows 2008 Backup has failed"

EmailBody = "A failure of Windows 2008 Backup has been recorded " & _
		"at site " & SiteName & " on server " & ServerName & ", " & _
		"on " & Date & ", " & Time & " ."

Const cdoSendUsingPickup = 1 	'Send message using local SMTP service pickup directory.
Const cdoSendUsingPort = 2 	'Send the message using SMTP over TCP/IP networking.

Const cdoAnonymous = 0 	' No authentication
Const cdoBasic = 1 	' BASIC clear text authentication
Const cdoNTLM = 2 	' NTLM, Microsoft proprietary authentication

' First, create the message

Set objMessage = CreateObject("CDO.Message")
objMessage.Subject = EmailSubject
objMessage.From = """" & EmailFromName & """ <" & EmailFrom & ">"
objMessage.To = EmailTo
objMessage.TextBody = EmailBody

' Second, configure the server

objMessage.Configuration.Fields.Item _
("") = cdoSendUsingPort

objMessage.Configuration.Fields.Item _
("") = SMTPServer

objMessage.Configuration.Fields.Item _
("") = cdoBasic

objMessage.Configuration.Fields.Item _
("") = SMTPLogon

objMessage.Configuration.Fields.Item _
("") = SMTPPassword

objMessage.Configuration.Fields.Item _
("") = SMTPPort

objMessage.Configuration.Fields.Item _
("") = SMTPSSL

objMessage.Configuration.Fields.Item _
("") = 60


' Now send the message!




StorageCraft DTX, and ImageManager Verbose Logging
article #1421, updated 1403 days ago

DTX download:

DTX run:

Enable ImageManager verbose logging:



Exclude volumes from StorageCraft OneXafe / ShadowXafe Backup
article #1386, updated 1684 days ago

Here’s the doc:



Reset StorageCraft ImageManager Password
article #1364, updated 1822 days ago

Here is a quick link to the utility:



Removing StorageCraft ShadowProtect - don't do it using Control Panel
article #1303, updated 1918 days ago

Do NOT use the Windows Control Panel for this removal. That method will leave lots of junk behind, which will prevent SPX and other tools from installing. Instead, do the below and reboot afterwards. This is Powershell, covering steps for both 32-bit and 64-bit operating systems. Copy and paste into administrative Powershell, and ignore all errors. First:

CD C:\Program Files\StorageCraft\ShadowProtect
CD C:\Program Files (x86)\StorageCraft\ShadowProtect

net stop vsnapvss
snapvss /unregister

vssins64.exe -u

net stop "StorageCraft ImageReady"

ShadowProtectSvc.exe -UnregServer

regsvr32 /u sbimgmnt.dll

CD "HKLM:\SYSTEM\CurrentControlSet\services\Storagecraft Imageready"
new-itemproperty . -name DeleteFlag -value 1 -PropertyType "DWord"

CD "HKLM:\SYSTEM\CurrentControlSet\services\sbmount"
new-itemproperty . -name DeleteFlag -value 1 -PropertyType "DWord"
set-itemproperty . -name "Start" -value 4

shutdown -f -r -t 0

Reboot will occur. After the reboot, again in administrative powershell:

New-PSDrive -Name HKCR -PSProvider Registry -Root HKEY_CLASSES_ROOT
Remove-Item -Recurse .SPF
Remove-Item -Recurse .SPI

Remove-Item -Recurse "HKLM:\SYSTEM\CurrentControlSet\Control\Class\{0A2D3D86-E1F2-4165-AB5C-E63D32C0BDE}"
Remove-Item -Recurse "HKLM:\SOFTWARE\Microsoft\Windows\CurrentVersion\Uninstall\ShadowProtect"
Remove-Item -Recurse "HKLM:\SOFTWARE\Wow6432Node\Microsoft\Windows\CurrentVersion\Uninstall\ShadowProtect"
Remove-Item -Recurse "HKLM:\SOFTWARE\Wow6432Node\Microsoft\Windows\CurrentVersion\Uninstall\{26F74578-1285-4C09-80C0-29106C357BFD}"

stcinst.exe -u

Remove-Item -Recurse "$env:ProgramFiles\StorageCraft\ShadowProtect"
Remove-Item -Recurse "$env:ProgramFiles(x86)\StorageCraft\ShadowProtect"

shutdown -f -r -t 0

The above steps written from:



Install StorageCraft ShadowProtect SPX in silent mode
article #1342, updated 1941 days ago

As per the docs:

msiexec /qn /package ShadowProtect_SPX-6.8.4-5_x64.msi IACCEPT=STORAGECRAFT.EULA



When ShadowProtect Retention Fails
article #1317, updated 2019 days ago

Sometimes, StorageCraft ShadowProtect retention fails. One cause of this, is a corrupt database. There is no such warning in logs. The way to confirm, is to stop the ShadowProtect service, delete or rename SPX.DB3 located here:


to SPX.SP3.OLD, restart the service, recreate both destination and job settings, and test. If the retention policy works, you’ve fixed it. Interestingly enough, when this works, it often will not need manual cleanup of the destination folder, but will take care of much or all of the cleanup of old chains automatically. Does not always happen however.



Contacting StorageCraft
article #528, updated 4365 days ago

At this writing, here’s the best info:



USB DLM configuration for USB backup
article #415, updated 4530 days ago

This works with USBDLM as USBDLM.ini in the program install folder. You’ll need to set the VolumeSerial items to the serial numbers reported by the ‘DIR’ command in CMD, at the top of the directory listing, for each drive. The idea is that backups run directly to X drive, and then are mirrored (in StorageCraft, with ImageManager) to the Y drives, which are swapped.

; X drive, direct backup destination

; Y drive, the first swap drive

; Y drive, the second swap drive
