Category: Web Methods

Simple Smiley in HTML/Unicode
article #1581, updated 218 days ago

There are a lot of smileys out there now. But reliable display can be a question. The original is preserved:


The code is:




.htaccess allows by IP, password authenticates if IP does not fit
article #1574, updated 307 days ago

There are multiple methods; this is reported to be undeprecated by Apache, possibly the only undeprecated way to do this.

AuthType Basic
AuthName "myserver publicname"
AuthUserFile "/myserverpath/.htpasswds/public/passwd"
require ip
require ip
require valid-user



GeoIP (Geolocation) lookup of servers on the Internet
article #1545, updated 446 days ago

This one works very well:



A fast and user-focussed search engine
article #408, updated 477 days ago

Just now, 2023-06-30 12:50PM CST, I searched in multiple different search engines for something simple but very unusual. All of them but one gave me dozens of pages of useless and irrelevant links which had a word close to the goal but spelled a bit differently. This one, only, gave me just what I needed:


Can be visited at either or

This writer will be using DDG by default.



Inter-browser Bookmarks/Favorites Sync
article #1397, updated 900 days ago

There have been a number of attempts at this. Here’s the one I use:

Desktop and mobile. Sometimes the beta versions, later than the releases, can be helpful:



The original character map smileys
article #1460, updated 1005 days ago

There are a lot of cartoon-ish smileys now in character sets, but I like the originals, they are gentler and don’t intrude so much. They were transferred to Unicode quite a while ago, and here they are:

263A 9786 ☺
263B 9787 ☻
2639 9785 ☹

Many fonts have them in uneven sizes. “DejaVu Sans”, among many others, do them very well.



Web site sitemap generator in Python
article #1399, updated 1444 days ago

This one works very well, unlike more than one I tested which does not:



Some Choice Web Browsers
article #1128, updated 2007 days ago

Here’s an overview of some choice web browsers, as of this writing. It’s not comprehensive and not going to be, because there are a huge variety of web sites and related needs, there is quite a lot of new development going on, and related publicity is not coherent (and cannot be in today’s world…). The below are the experiences of this writer only, and he is well aware that reality is far larger than his experience:

  1. Firefox. Not the fastest and not stingy in memory, but if you need a particular site to work and you don’t need a Microsoft-only web application, try it, you’ll be most likely to find that it does the job. On the other hand, if you want lots and lots of tabs open and you have 8 gigabytes or less of RAM, or if you want maximum speed, try one of the others below. Firefox is also very compatible with probably the largest majority of plugin-based services, by way of it being the most current official product of the Mozilla codebase. Versions available for every major platform.
  2. Brave. This is a relatively new browser whose company is headed by co-founder of the Mozilla project. It is not only an extremely fast, efficient, and reliable browser, the project is also a concerted effort to fix the current worldwide mess by which a very few huge near-monopolies have made web advertising almost worthless except to themselves. Brave uses the Chromium code-base, significantly revised and improved. Versions available for every major platform.
  3. Microsoft Edge (as of 2019-04-24) and Microsoft Internet Explorer. As of this writing there are still many web-applications out there which require Microsoft web browsers. Edge ships with Windows 10 as its standard; Internet Explorer also ships though it is slightly hidden and publicly being deprecated. Edge has had its own code-base, really a major revision of Internet Explorer lacking some compatibility; recent Microsoft-only web sites have been Edge-compatible. But recently there was a Microsoft statement announcing an upcoming Windows update, in which the current Edge was to be replaced with a different Edge (an entirely different browser, with the same name…) with a Chromium code-base. It is entirely unclear what this will do to those dependent on Microsoft-only web applications. Obviously we will just have to watch and wait and see. Perhaps Microsoft will make things more complicated with some sort of embedding. We will see.
  4. Chromium. Open-source web browser and code base. A very good web browser on Linux. Have not yet found a Windows version that works fully and automatically updates properly, though the Chocolatey system has promise.
  5. Google Chrome. Now probably the most commonly used web browser. Chrome is generally slower and more resource-heavy than Chromium and Brave.
  6. Vivaldi. This writer has had high hopes for Vivaldi for some time; it’s a highly customizable browser by a large group of mostly former Opera folks, and across-the-board web site compatibility was an original design goal, unlike Opera. Unfortunately, this writer has found its general web-site compatibility lacking versus Brave, Chromium, Chrome, and Firefox. Versions are available for every major platform.



String substitution in multiple files by command line
article #1264, updated 2091 days ago

Once you have ‘pip’, you can do:

sudo pip install repren

repren is very effective.



Set an HTML element to select completely on one click
article #1254, updated 2157 days ago

Add this to the style of an element (P, H3, DIV, etc.):

-webkit-touch-callout: all; /* iOS Safari */
-webkit-user-select: all; /* Safari */
-khtml-user-select: all; /* Konqueror HTML */
-moz-user-select: all; /* Firefox */
-ms-user-select: all; /* Internet Explorer/Edge */
user-select: all; /* Chrome and Opera */

and if you click once on any part of the element, the whole thing is selected/highlighted, ready to be copied to clipboard. No JavaScript!
