Disable Cortana altogether

article #1161, updated 2234 days ago

This will make any Windows 10 machine run much faster, at the cost of the fancy Cortana query and search component.

  1. In REGEDIT, browse to HKEY_LOCAL_MACHINE, Software, Policies, Microsoft, Windows.
  2. Create key “Windows Search” no quotes.
  3. Create DWORD32 “AllowCortana” no quotes. Make sure the value is zero (0).
  4. Create DWORD32 “AllowCortanaAboveLock” no quotes. Make sure the value is zero (0).
  5. Create DWORD32 “DisableWebSearch” no quotes. Make sure the value is one (1).
  6. Create DWORD32 “ConnectedSearchUseWeb” no quotes. Make sure the value is zero (0).
  7. Create DWORD32 “ConnectedSearchUseWebOverMeteredConnections” no quotes. Make sure the value is zero (0).
  8. Reboot.
