When you can, it’s best to go to the hardware manufacturer’s web site and download the latest for whatever you have. But sometimes you’re dealing with products whose manufacturers are unhelpful. A very good resource is here:
In the properties of a device in Windows, you can pull a VEN (Vendor) and DEV (Device) number, put it into the above, and hopefully find what you’re looking for.
The simplest appears to be thus:
wmic computersystem where caption='oldcomputername' rename newcomputername
If it is run from an administrative CMD and the machine is in good talking relationship with its domain controller, the PC and also AD rename will complete. If either prerequisite is not met, the rename will fail. A non-admin attempt fails with code 5, DC availability fails with 1355.
There is also tool, part of the 2003 server reskit and included later on, which can do the rename of a desktop from a domain controller:
NETDOM RENAMECOMPUTER OLDNAME /newname:NEWNAME /userd:domain\domainadmin /passwordd:password /force /reboot:0
It causes a reboot of the target machine. /reboot:0 means no delay; the number is in seconds.
Windows OS-Level Issues
QuickBooks & Other Intuit
Disks, Drives, and Filesystems
Really good article here:
Solves the problem of the database reaching max capacity, and also speeds things up in general.
Short version:
In SBS 2008, run the contents of this zip file in an administrative PowerShell window.
In SBS 2011, start this shell as administrator:
C:\Program Files\Windows Small Business Server\Bin\MoveDataPowerShellHost.exe
and then while in the shell, run the contents of this zip file.
If it says “1 row affected”, it’s done, and the messages will point out old MDF and LDF files to remove.
You may notice that the script linked here is just a tad different than the one on the itquibbles page; this one just adds the -force items mentioned as an option on that page.
Windows OS-Level Issues
Add this to the style of an element (P, H3, DIV, etc.):
-webkit-touch-callout: all; /* iOS Safari */
-webkit-user-select: all; /* Safari */
-khtml-user-select: all; /* Konqueror HTML */
-moz-user-select: all; /* Firefox */
-ms-user-select: all; /* Internet Explorer/Edge */
user-select: all; /* Chrome and Opera */
and if you click once on any part of the element, the whole thing is selected/highlighted, ready to be copied to clipboard. No JavaScript!
Web Methods
Try this page:
One recommendable practice, is to use the tool from the above page, and then run Revo Uninstaller to complete the cleanup.
Antivirus/Antimalware Tools and Issues
Admittedly this is a bit of a contraption, but it has worked wonderfully. I type a whole lot at work, and over time tried a large number of ways to get rid of hand and arm stresses. Eventually, having got my positioning right, I found that an enormous remaining stress was my mouse and most especially the left-click, which we all do a very large number of times per day. So I bought this:
from here:
which is a nice big trackball for multiple fingers or palm (I found the small ones worse, not better, than my mice), and more importantly, those three jacks. It’s one jack per mouse-button. Originally I had thought to bring left and right buttons to foot, but I ended up doing just the left, which has done me just fine and dandy. I initially bought two of these:
because they were not expensive; I destroyed the first one (with my foot, they’re not exactly designed for stomping) in a few months, which gave me enough time to figure out what to do. Soon I received a marvelous inspiration, and looked into a “ribbon switch” or “tape switch”. These are industrial components used on conveyor belts to detect items, and safety applications where one wants to stomp on something to get it to stop. So I bought one of these:
in the one-foot length to save at least a bit of money, with the aluminum channel for mounting (I think this is needed), mounted it on a 48”×6”×3/4” piece of wood, had my friendly neighborhood electronic musical instrument shop solder me a 1/4” mono phone plug on its wire, ran a long wire from that plug to the 1/8” jack on the trackball…and it works!!!
There is a bit of technique I have had to learn for it to work easily, a kind of bounce of my heel to mimic a rapid left-click; and I do sit now with one shoe off, tread does not help; but I have zero pain in my hands after work these days, which is quite the joy.
Admittedly the trackball and ribbon switch are not inexpensive. On the other hand this trackball looks and feels, inside and out, that it will work for decades, and the ribbon switch is an industrial component, so unless I mounted it badly it will do for a nice long time. The only thing I might have done differently is to get a longer ribbon switch, probably two feet long, though that is luxury, not necessity!
Use a CMD like this:
copy Agent_Install.EXE \\%%G\C$
psexec \\%%G CMD /C C:\Agent_Install.exe /Quiet
Run it from a folder containing Agent_Install.exe.
Automate / Labtech
Here’s how to set it for all users in xyz.local:
Get-ADUser -Filter * -SearchBase "OU=Main,DC=xyz,DC=local" | Set-ADUser –scriptPath
and how to clear it for all users in xyz.local:
Get-ADUser -Filter * -SearchBase "OU=Main,DC=xyz,DC=local" | Set-ADUser -Clear scriptPath
Active Directory