Category: Printers & Printing

Secure IPP (Internet Printing Protocol)
article #393, updated 4673 days ago

A large number of printers now permit printing over the Internet, using an HTTP-based protocol called IPP. A smaller subset permit HTTPS for encryption. Reportedly, Windows Server 2008 does not support secure IPP, although this is not confirmed yet. Here is some info:



When Redirection Fails for Printers and Other Devices under RDP (Remote Access)
article #146, updated 5336 days ago

Try this registry entry on the client PC:

In HKEY_CURRENT_USER\Software\Microsoft\Terminal Server Client\Default\AddIns\RDPDR

Create a DWORD value named “FilterQueueType”.  Its value should be “FFFFFFFF” (eight F’s), hexadecimal.

Works especially well for unusual printers, e.g., USB et cetera.  Reportedly helps under XP, Vista, and 7.
