Outlook command-line switches
article #1106, updated 2697 days ago

This is a very long list, the most complete list I’ve seen:


Lots of possibilities for cleanup and fixup.



Great place for legitimate downloads of commercial music
article #1105, updated 2699 days ago

Try this:




AutoHotKey and VBscript self-elevate to administrator
article #1104, updated 2701 days ago

There is a way:





Publish a Shared Mailbox Calendar in Exchange Online / Office 365
article #1103, updated 2702 days ago

It is not hard. After you have created the shared mailbox, its email address will appear in the Office 365 console. We’ll call it “abcdefg@domain.com”.

  1. Connect PowerShell to Exchange Online.
  2. Turn publishing on for the calendar.
Set-MailboxCalendarFolder -Identity abcdefg@domain.com:\calendar -PublishEnabled $true
  1. Get the URL. The following code will request all of the calendar setup parameters, including both an HTML URL for general web browsers and an ICS URL for many applications.
Get-MailboxCalendarFolder -Identity abcdefg@domain.com:\calendar
  1. If you test the HTML URL now, you will see no details. Do this to put all of the details in:
Set-MailboxCalendarFolder -Identity abcdefg@domain.com:\calendar -DetailLevel FullDetails



ESET manual removal tool
article #1102, updated 2704 days ago

Here it is, with instructions:




Download any Microsoft KB
article #1101, updated 2704 days ago

Right from the source:




Files piling up in C:\ProgramData\Microsoft\Crypto\RSA\S-1-5-18
article #1100, updated 2704 days ago

When certain antivirus products go a bit haywire, or other unfortunate things happen, hundreds of thousands of small files can pile up in either the location in the title of this article, or here:


The location in the title seems to be more common in Windows 10, the other more for Windows 7, but check both, and if you have a pileup in either, run this CMD command inside:

forfiles /D -10 /C "cmd /C attrib -s @file & echo @file & del @file"

forfiles is a very nice command that iterates through the files in a folder according to its parameters. /D -10 iterates through all files more than 10 days old. attrib -s takes off the System attribute, which is needed for DEL (delete) to work. The echo is there so you can see that it is doing its job.



Embed PowerShell in a CMD command
article #1097, updated 2704 days ago

We can do this:

powershell "& {set-netfirewallprofile -profile domain,public,private -enabled 1}" -command 

Anything placed after -command is treated as an argument.



When Group Policy Templates Are Corrupt
article #1099, updated 2705 days ago

An elegant solution from here:


Just go here:


and download the current versions of all of the templates (the above is for 2008R2, here’s to hoping Microsoft makes them available for all server versions), and replace them.



Unlock Files Easily
article #236, updated 2705 days ago

To unlock files easily, use the “Unlocker Assistant”:


There is a portable version and an installable too. This tool makes it very easy to identify which process is locking a given file, and it can attempt to kill the process, or just undo the lock.

There is also “EMCO Unlock IT” which does extremely well:

